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Micro Expanded Metal

Micro expanded metal is a type of metal that has been expanded with a variety of small holes, in order to create a lightweight material with a higher surface area-to-weight ratio than standard sheet metal. It is often used in applications where strength, stability, and accuracy are important, such as in the manufacture of industrial filters and mesh electrode. Designed for use in scientific applications and challenging technology, micromesh is an extremely precise product that retains all of the benefits of expanded metal mesh.

We are constantly developing smaller and more patterns for numerous industry demands for more precise requirements. That is the reason why our SWD could be up to 0.2mm.

  • Lightweight 
  • Low cost 
  • Exceptionally long life 
  • The ability to be formed in to many different shapes and sizes

Titanium, Mild Steel, Nickel, Stainless Steel, Copper, Aluminium

Hole Patterns

Diamond, Ribbon, Circle, Squares, Custom Fabricated


Platinum(Pt), Ruthenium Oxide (RuO2), Iridium Oxide (IrO2), Ru-Ir

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